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GspF Master Mix - 400 reactions
GspF Master Mix - 400 reactions
Our Price: $912.36

Product Code: ISO-003


This isothermal amplification mix allows fluorescence detection of the product on the Genie® II platform but may also be used on generic qPCR instrumentation. An anneal curve can then be generated to confirm the product. This eliminates the need for gel electrophoresis or turbidity detection and allows for a closed-tube system.

Isothermal Mastermixes are fully licensed for LAMP use by Eiken Chemical Company.

Isothermal Mastermix can be used with RCA, SMAP and many other amplification technologies.

Figure 1 on the left is a fluorometric LAMP comparison of the ISO-001 master mix with GspM2.0, GspM and Tin exo DNA polymerases.

LAMP template was 1ng of an Aeropyrum pernix K1 genomic DNA approx. 5.5 x 105 copies.

The ISO-001 master mix uses an engineered LF DNA polymerase isolated from Geobacillus sp. SSD , GspSSD. The enzyme shows highest speed in a fluorescent LAMP reaction and is the enzyme of choice for LAMP reactions.

GspSSD LF DNA polymerase produces little PPi in its reaction buffer therefore GspM2.0 is a much better choice for turbidimetric detection.

A comparison between ISO-001, Bst and Bst2.0 in a fluorescent detection bacterial LAMP reaction, run on the Genie® II instrument, is shown in the image

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